Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Tropical Treat

A couple of years ago I went to Papua New Guinea to visit Steve and Tracy Geis and in the process I was introduced to Passion Fruit. Later I found a vine at Lowes and planted it on our fence. Well, it has begun to produce fruit. The fruit looks like a huge plum with a thick tough skin.

Open it up and it is filled with a juicy, gelatinous pulp and seeds that looks like frog eggs to me.

If you can get pas the looks the pulp is tart and sour but tasty. According to the internet is high in vitamin A. I think I am the only one in the house at the moment who likes it. So, I guess I will be able to have all I want.

I'm sure there are some exotic applications that will be delightful. Wanna try some?

Posted by email from samtalbert's posterous

1 comment:

Rob Foster said...

Dr. Lorhos' wife, Apinoa, adds a little wild honey to it and serves if for dessert. Very good!

I think you and I may have shared some together.

Thanks for keeping me up to date.